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Nora Marlow Smith

The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century

June 19, 2024

"The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century" is a tone-poem play adapted by Lauren Holmes and Jaclyn Biskup from a novel of the same name by Danish poet and novelist Olga Ravn (translated by Martin Aitken). Biskup directs an ensemble of four who portray multiple crew members on a spaceship sent to search for a new planet for the people of Earth. The novel's structure of narrative reports to tell a story about the human condition, the future of work, and the ills of late-stage corporate capitalism does not transfer well to a dramatic stage presentation. [more]


October 8, 2023

Elinor T Vanderburg’s "Bloodspot" is a fascinating attempt to create a film noir play for the stage. The visuals do not live up to the script’s promise, but it remains entertaining and engrossing. The schizophrenic characterizations, half realistic and half outrageous, are distracting in their inconsistency; however, it does not take away from the final effect. While the production by SheNYC Arts, “a femme-led nonprofit organization fighting for gender equality in the arts and entertainment industry across the United States,” is deficient in several ways, the play augurs an impressive future career for talented playwright Elinor T Vanderburg. [more]